Would I were a king
or a crazy beatnik
writing poetry or prose that never
and that would be okay
for the world yearns to spin
but never in
iambic pentameter
Or I could be the sea
rolling in
in perfect unison
with the tides
and out again
in the synchronous ebb and flow
that only happens in
And if I were a moon or star
ever expanding
in the vast elaborations
of a lush, lifeless
there I’d lie
in the careful embrace
of dark matter
Could I temper
the timeless tumult
of the world’s inner workings
or the pulchritudinous mix of evolution and order
that wraps about me like a double-stranded helix
only to be unraveled by
the enzymes of time?
Rich, L. E. (2006, July 30). I Am Bic. Leigh Rich Freelance: five2seven.