Oocyte (egg) donation is riddled with issues that have few, if any, solutions
By Leigh E. Rich
In one sense, so-called “third-party reproduction” that uses gametes contributed by anonymous (or known) “donors” is no longer novel (Murphy 2009; Sargent 2007; Sauer 2001; Mastroianni 2001), but the highly profitable IVF industry (now sometimes called “ART” for “artificial reproductive techniques”) is still in its infancy, at least ethically. Deemed one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of the 20th century, questions remain: Has the enthusiasm of breaching this reproductive frontier (in terms of both treating infertility and birthing a lucrative commercial enterprise) blinded scientists, clinicians, lawmakers, and citizens to the possible consequences of all bodies involved? Have we been apt to overlook gamete donors, who are neither patients nor patrons, as sources of raw material rather than persons undertaking extraordinary (and unnecessary) risks? Have monetary rewards at all levels made us myopic? This is the cause taken on by the film Eggsploitation.
Eggsploitation introduces viewers not only to the basic science of egg donation but also to the stories of a handful of young women who answered the call to help others in need. [continued …]
Eggsploitation. 2010. Directed by Justin Baird and Jennifer Lahl, written by Jennifer Lahl and Evan C. Rosa. San Ramon, CA: The Center for Bioethics and Culture.
Rich, Leigh E. 2012. Review of Eggsploitation, directed by Justin Baird and Jennifer Lahl and written by Jennifer Lahl and Evan C. Rosa. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9(1): 105–107. doi:10.1007/s11673-011-9337-8.